
  • Learn how to grow your own

    BUDDING gardeners who would like to try their hand at growing their own fruit and vegetables are being urged to take part in a new project. Festival Housing, one of the largest landlords in Droitwich, is looking for tenants to help cultivate a

  • It’s not just taking part that counts

    THEY say ‘It’s not the winning that counts, it’s the taking part’. Well, try telling that to Yohan Blake, after he finished second to Usain Bolt in both the 100 metres and 200m at London 2012. Or every English football fan after the national

  • On two wheels to honour his father

    A TWO-wheel challenge will take a man the length of the British Isles to honour his late father as well as bringing him back to the city close to his family’s heart. Matt Greenwood will pedal his way from John o’ Groats, in Scotland, to Lands’

  • Stone me – Dave is a British skimming king

    WORCESTERSHIRE has emerged as a hotbed of stone-skimming with two men bouncing their way to success in the national championship. Dave Sealey, from Malvern Link, defended his title at the sixth annual British Stone Skimming Championship with a

  • New July deadline for decision on NHS plans

    HEALTH chiefs have defended a much-delayed process to transform the way acute hospital care is delivered in Worcestershire. Plans to save £50 million by changing how hospital services are delivered are being debated by health leaders, who say it

  • Attempted robbery at Peplow Jewellers

    TWO masked men smashed the windows of Peplow Jewellers during an attempted robbery this afternoon. Shoppers watched on in horror as the men jumped out of a gold coloured car and tried to smash the Rolex display window using sledgehammers just after

  • Warriors confirm coaching roles for Vesty and Jones

    SAM Vesty has been appointed to the Worcester Warriors coaching staff, as exclusively revealed in your Worcester News on Saturday. The Sixways club have also announced that prop Ceri Jones, who is battling to save his playing career after suffering

  • Anniversary couple step back in time

    A HAPPY couple took a trip back in time as they marked their 30th wedding anniversary. Mick and Joy Hoskins, who live in the Arboretum area of Worcester, decided to commemorate their pearl wedding anniversary by travelling even further back, by

  • Live ‘entertainment’ is simply upsetting

    SIR – Roll up, roll up – visitors, families, mums, dads, children – live ‘entertainment’ daily in Priory Park. Watch majestic Master Heron pick off cute baby ducklings one by one! See Mother Nature in all her glory, admission free! Parents

  • Drunk poured bleach on neighbour’s plants

    A DRUNKEN woman poured bleach on a neighbour’s plants and then verbally abused police, kicking out at a prison van. Juliette Draper, of Sheepscombe Drive, Warndon, Worcester, admitted being drunk and disorderly in a public place when she appeared

  • Help needed to trace sexual assault victim's movements

    THE victim of a sexual assault in Kidderminster at the weekend had no recollection of how she got to the town. Police officers are hoping people may have seen the teenager during a “missing” period of several hours. Officers were called to

  • Our nation no longer has an influence

    SIR – PM David Cameron has defended spending more on foreign aid, saying it was in our long-term interest. He says scaling back “fails to take account of our influence”. We as a nation no longer have an influence! He wants to hand out £11

  • Why do we pay more for water than others?

    SIR – I see one of the fat cats from the water industry has been awarded a gong in the Queen’s Birthday List. Is this for not paying any taxes? Ofgem should be in there sorting out the water companies and finding out why we in Britain pay more

  • Allies have no respect for our Armed Forces

    SIR – OUR allies have absolutely no respect for our Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan, who have died and been maimed by terrorists. Now that they cannot continue the peace plan they have decided to go to Qatar and talk to these terrorists. Have they

  • Music fans delighted by Blues at the Fold

    NINE hours of nationally acclaimed blues music blazed a trail during a day of balmy summer weather. Six bands with more than 25 performers made sure the fifth edition of Blues at the Fold was a real sizzler on Saturday as the live music rolled

  • Mock me, if you dare – I have IQ of genius

    SIR – I shall treat with contempt the rude insulting letter from John Nicholas (June 25). As to intelligence, I have an IQ of 149 – genius level. Mock me for that, if you dare (you do not have to read my letters). GEORGE COWLEY Worcester

  • Leaving the EU is a price worth paying

    SIR – Rory Roberson must have facts about the EU-USA free trade deal that have eluded the rest of us (Worcester News, June 28). What trade deal agreed between the EU and the USA is he referring to? The EU commission and the US government have

  • Birthday skydive in memory of brother

    A WOMAN has completed a skydive in memory of her teenage brother who died suddenly ten years ago. Victoria Exall took to the skies above the Nevada Desert, near Las Vegas, to mark the tenth anniversary of James Shiels’ death. The Worcester

  • Problems brushed under the carpet

    SIR – We are writing after attending Wychavon District Council planning committee meeting on June 20 where they approved the building of 256 houses on land adjoining Kilbury Drive. We have never objected to these houses, all we ever asked was to

  • It’s a shame car wash owners had problems

    SIR – What a shame car wash owners are having problems with a screen put up to protect neighbours’ property. If a brick wall was erected there would be loss of light. It seems hard working people can’t win. I note a city conservation officer

  • Cashiers are worth our full attention

    STANDING at a supermarket checkout is presumably no one’s idea of fun. But recently this mundane task has hit the headlines, thanks to a shopper in London who was berated for her behaviour at the check-out of her local Sainsbury’s. When Jo

  • Plan for new Worcester train station refused + reaction

    A £7 MILLION bid to build a new railway station in Worcestershire has been refused by the Government, it has emerged. The county council’s bid for cash towards Worcestershire Parkway, in Norton, near Worcester, has been thrown out by the Department

  • Murray-mania can sweep the county

    TENNIS officials across the county are hoping to harness the impact of Andy Murray’s Wimbledon triumph to inspire youngsters to embrace the sport. The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Lawn Tennis Association and local clubs are braced for an influx

  • Housing plan failures beginning to surface

    SIR – Re: the proposed 256 homes at the rear of Kilbury Drive. We would like to respond to your article of June 22. Planning permission for 256 homes next to Kilbury Drive was rejected on February 2, 2012. Contrary to what the chairman said, it