The Domiciliary Care Worker or Team Award

Worcestershire Health & Social Care Awards

This award is about celebrating the important work that the 3rd sector and community teams do in health and care. Are you – or do you know someone who is - doing something new, something bold or different? Something new to you, new to the sector or a new way of tackling an age-old problem? Or do you know someone, or a team, that just do what they do really well?

All submissions must be 500 words or less.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Your Details


Phone Number*

Email Address*


Nomination Details

Name/Organisation Name*

Phone Number (if known)

Email Address (if known)

Address (if known)

Social Media Link (Twitter/Facebook if known)


1. Why should this person win this award?*

2. What are their contributions to the health and care sector?*

3. What are their key achievements?*