A VET surgery’s bid to beef up security has come a cropper after it was ordered to rip down a new fence installed following a spate of break-ins.

Kevin Hammett, who owns the Stocks Veterinary Centre, School Lane, Upton upon Severn, with his wife Jo, was furious when he received an enforcement notice from Malvern Hills District Council demanding he removes the five-foot metal fence. He said it was put up on top of an existing wall on the advice of local police and his insurance company after a spate of break-ins during January and February.

He said: “We had break-ins on four consecutive nights. They smashed the windows and got into the premises. “The safety of my staff is paramount to me. We are being told to take it down but it is basically stopping criminals entering and ensuring the safety of the people here.”

Mr Hammett has been given until Thursday, December 27, to appeal and if he does not do so, will have 56 days to remove the fence. But he has no intention of getting rid of it.

He said: “I cannot just take it down, it would just be opening up the business to vandalism or to someone getting hurt.

“We are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. If you look at the situation with empty shops in Upton and a big business such as Door Panels going recently, it beggars belief that we are being put in this situation.”

A spokesman for Malvern Hills District Council confirmed the enforcement notice was issued last month.

They said placing the fence on top of the existing wall had resulted in an overall height of more than two metres and that no application was made for planning permission.

The notice itself says the fence “by virtue of its design, height and materials has an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the Upton upon Severn Conservation Area and the visual amenities of the area.” It adds that the council does not consider planning permission should be granted if requested.