A MYSTERY man with connections to Worcester is being sought by police following a £5,000 raid on a house in which jewellery and war medals were stolen.

Officers believe the man may have vital information on a burglarly at a property Copthorne Road, Shrewsbury.

He was caputred on CCTV walking past the house and near to army barracks at about 1pm on November 12 - around the time jewellery worth more than £5,000 worth of jewellery was stolen from it.

Police are now anxious to trace the man as he may have vital clues to assist their investigation.

DC Ben Docherty, the investigating officer, said: “We are appealing to him to come forward as he may be able to help the inquiry. We are also urging anyone else who can recognise him to get in touch by contacting the burglary unit at Shrewsbury police station by calling 101.

“He was passing by at about the time of the burglary, walking up Copthorne Road past the barracks towards the Beacon pub, and may have seen something which can help the investigation.Rear view of mystery man

“We have made inquiries to try and identify him but he remains something of a mystery. However, we have reason to believe he may have connections with the Ludlow and Worcester areas.

“From the CCTV images he appears to be aged from 45 to 65, about six feet tall, of average build and bald headed.”

The break-in happened after a crow bar was stolen from the victim's garden shed and used to force a rear door.

Rooms were searched and items of jewellery stolen from a bedroom.

Among the items taken were Russian gold wedding rings, antique gold bracelets, brooches and earrings, diamond eternity and wedding rings, men's gold tie pins and a diamond wedding ring, First World War medals and Air Combat Command cufflinks.

A Hewlett Packard note book laptop and an iPod were also taken.

Information can also be given anonymously via Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555111.