BLUE TITS, wagtails and even a few sparrowhawks were spotted by children during the Big Schools’ Birdwatch.

Year four children at Fairfield Community Primary School took part in the national event, organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The children have been busy researching the types of birds that might be seen in the school grounds before leading different class groups out with binoculars to spot them.

Year four teacher Simon Fox said it had been a successful day.

“The Year four children in my class were leading it,” he said. “Small groups took children out and explained what they were doing. They had done the background planning about the birds they might see and the best methods of spotting them.

“We’ve done a lot of preparation for it researching different types of birds we might see. Everybody enjoyed it.

“Especially with us being an inner city school there’s probably not as much awareness and an inaccessibility to wildlife.

There was a really good atmosphere in school.”