Decisive: How To Make Better Choices In Life And Work by Chip Heath and Dan Heath is published in paperback by Random House, priced £12.99 (ebook £8.51). Available now.

Chip and Dan Heath are New York Times best-selling authors whose previous publications include Made To Stick and Switch.

As the title illustrates, Decisive: How To Make Better Choices In Life And Work aims to help readers make good decisions.

It does this by offering a formula to apply in any situation: by widening our options, reality-testing our assumptions, attaining distance before deciding and preparing to be wrong.

The book elaborates on each step, suggesting a range of strategies and demonstrating each of these with real-life examples - both within the workplace and in personal spheres.

Ignore the 'self-help' cover and you will find this book is well laid out and easy to read, even injecting a little humour where it can.

Throughout the text, you will notice there is an underlying thread of reducing the decision to its 'rawest' form, removing all notions of emotion, ego and bias.

While perhaps a little black-and-white for some personal choices, this book is a must-read for those in senior commercial positions or those simply looking for a calculated approach to decision-making.


(Review by Lynley Myers)