A FOUL-MOUTHED neighbour from hell has been jailed for a second time after repeatedly hurling vulgar abuse at people living nearby.

The self-styled Godfather of Castlemorton Richard Dawe, aged 79, was jailed for month at Worcester Crown Court yesterday (Mon) after breaching a 15-year criminal ASBO issued in 2005 three times in the past six months.

It is the latest in a number of breaches of the order, which saw him jailed for the first time last year after throwing a rock through a window of a neighbour as their long-running dispute came to a head.

The court heard that Dawe's offences date back to the early 90s, having previously had a clean record, when a string of convictions for harassment against neighbours began.

"Most people start offending when they are young and grow out of it - this seems to be the other way around," Judge Daniel Pearce-Higgins commented.

The disagreement developed between Dawe and the Wilks family, who live next door to one another in Hollybed Street, Castlemorton over sewage disposal from the two properties.

Several attempts have been made at mediating between them, including a meeting organised by the police, but so far a solution has not been found.

He was banned with an ASBO and subsequently a CRASBO in 2004 and 2005 from using foul or abusive language, or behaving in a way which caused offence or annoyance to others after a series of complaints - but he all but ignored them, breaching them numerous times, singing loudly and swearing at neighbours.

The CRASBO was issued after he attacked one neighbour with a shovel.

And on February 13 this year, prosecutor Stephen Lowne said, he fell foul of the order again when he shouted lewd comments to his teenage neighbour Josephine Wilks.

Then, on June 12 and 14, he began making similar comments to her mother Barbara, calling her "ugly", "an idiot" and comparing her to a dog.

Some of the stream of abuse was caught on a tape recorder Mrs Wilks was carrying with her.

Kevin Grego, defending, said Dawe was suffering with ill health, as was his 84-year-old wife, and said Dawe was beginning to realise he had to change his ways as he was too old to go to prison.

But Judge Pearce-Higgins decided a custodial sentence was appropriate.

He advised Dawe and his neighbours to find a solution to their
differences, even if it meant going before a tribunal in court - and warned more jail sentences could await in future if he does not.

"He needs to know that if he goes on as he is at the moment, he will be back before the court and will go back to prison, and that sentence will get longer, and longer, and longer," he said.

Dawe was jailed for 28 days for each of the three breaches, to run concurrently.