A SQUARE in Worcester has been dubbed “the king of the grot spots,” by fed-up businesses.

People working in shops in Mealcheapen Street say Trinity Square, behind their shops, has become a popular spot for rough sleepers who regularly empty rubbish from bins all over the ground. Fly tipped rubbish, including a sofa, has been dumped against the wall of the businesses and litter is strewn across the road.

They say no one will take responsibility for clearing up the mess.

However, since it was reported to Worcester City Council the area has been cleaned up and the council has promised to start sending regular litter patrols to the area.

Steve Wainwright, who runs Clockwatchers cafe, said it was bad for his business and he questioned how it affected the reputation of the city when university students, who live in flats above the square, look out on the debris.

He said: “It’s such a mess. People come here from all around the world to go to the university.

“They look down and see people sleeping rough here and the mess. Well, welcome to Worcester.”

Mr Wainwright said road sweepers did not visit the area and no one had emptied bins for the students yet this term.

He added: “I think if the place was cleaned up it might deter them a little.

“You’ve heard of grot spots. Well this is the king of the grot spots.”

Rachel Bradford-Adams, manager of the neighbouring Bluecross shop, said she regularly saw rough sleepers drinking and rifling through bins.

She was forced to call police on Wednesday when a couple began arguing in the square.

She added: “There was a man in a sleeping bag and a woman singing at the top of her voice.

“They had all the rubbish out of the bins.

“We’re told to lock the bins but if we do that they pull them off and we are charged.

“There are dozens of rough sleepers coming around here every day.”

Karen Davis, deputy manager, of Acorns shop said: “It is a wretched mess.”

She said she had discussed the problem with Worcester BID who had helped to organise clean-ups through the probation trust and liaised with the landlord and city council.

A spokesman for Worcester City Council said: “We are increasing the regularity of our street cleaning in Trinity Square, following recent complaints. We are also carrying out a one-off deep cleansing of the site.

“Unfortunately there are persistent issues with rubbish either being pulled or blown out of bins.

“Trade waste in the area is collected by a range of different companies on different days. We would advise all the traders in the area to lock their bins.

“We have received a complaint of fly-tipping in the area and we are investigating to see if any action can be taken.

“This is not always possible if the fly-tipping has occurred on private land.

“The waste bin for the new student flats was missed in its first week of collection.

“We apologise for this oversight and we have taken steps to ensure it is emptied on the normal fortnightly basis in the future.”

Police confirmed they had been called to a disturbance at 8.50am on Wednesday.

A woman was asked to clean up a mess and move on.