A £150,000 refurbishment project at a historic country retreat has been completed.

Holland House, in Cropthorne, near Pershore, hosts religious, spiritual and secular meetings as well as training events for groups, businesses and individuals from across Worcestershire.

The grounds and thatched buildings at Holland House were bequeathed to the Bishop of Worcester in 1946 and the venue is now run as a charitable trust.

Staff and volunteers are celebrating the completion of a major project to restore the historic setting and bring it into line with modern standards.

As well as upgrading existing facilities, a new wheelchair-accessible, disabled-friendly bedroom and wet room has been created to make the venue accessible to all.

A small ‘topping out’ ceremony was held to mark the work being completed and plans are now being made for a bigger celebration at an official opening on Friday.

Opening duties will be carried out by guest of honour, Prof Kate Thomas, vice-dean for student development and support at the University of Birmingham.

But while the new extension at Holland House has been ‘topped out’, funding for the project still needs to be topped up.

Despite fund-raising efforts and grants from the likes of Wychavon Community Fund and Severn Waste Environment Fund totalling more than £120,000, fund-raisers still need to find another £25,000 to balance the books.

They are awaiting the outcome of applications to several charitable foundations and are keen to hear from anyone able to help out.

“We have been so fortunate and are so grateful to very many charitable foundations,” said lead fundraiser Anne Albright. “But we still hope for positive news from some others before we can really rest.”

Individuals or organisations who would like to support the project can e-mail enquiries@ hollandhouse.org or visit hol landhouse.org.