A WOMAN has called for something to be done to stop a residential road being treated as a rat-run after £1,000 of damage was caused to her car.

Penny Perrett was left with the hefty bill when her VW Fox was hit near her home in Fort Royal Hill, Worcester, for the third time in the last three years at about 7am on Thursday, September 19.

Her car was towed away as the drive shaft was bad-ly damaged in the incident and Ms Perrett, who has lived in the road since 2007, is now calling for measures to be introduced to slow down selfish and careless drivers.

She said: “The problem in the street is that everybody has to park on the pavement but you can’t park too far on to the pavement because you obstruct buggies and pedestrians.

“You park in a balanced way and your car gets hit by a passing car.”

Ms Perrett said she hopes the council will look at potential solutions, which could include resident- only parking, introducing a one-way system, or reducing the speed limit to 20mph.

Jon Fraser, Worcestershire County Council’s customer and community manager, said incidents were monitored.

“The county council monitors the safety of all roads across Worcester-shire and in particular those that experience road traffic accidents,” he said.

“Any proposal to lower a speed limit or introduce a one-way system would initially require the support of the local county councillor and the police.”

The driver of the green Ford Fiesta which hit Ms Perrett’s car initially failed to stop but a spokesman for West Mercia Police confirmed they were contacted later and the issue was being dealt with by the relevant insurance companies.