MORE than 23,000 cars triggered a speed capture device in a busy Worcester road over just two weeks – right next to a school.

Tests along Tudor Way in Dines Green showed how 23,168 motorists were shown to be speeding by the equipment in the two weeks between Tuesday, September 10, and Tuesday, September 24.

At a full council meeting on Thursday, Councillor Richard Udall, who represents St John’s, called the data “shocking” and said drivers we-re “ignoring” the 20mph limit. “Only 8,000 vehicles actually stayed within the speed limit during the test, it’s not acceptable to the community and something should be done about it.”

Dines Green Primary School is on the same road and headmaster of the school Stephen Gough said: “It’s a very, very busy road, especially at the beginning and end of school time and the vast majority of children come by foot.

“We are concerned about the children being safe. We need people to comply with the road signs.”

He also said he would be grateful for any help highways bosses could offer.

“My message to drivers is simple: ‘think children’ when using the road,” he said.

Councillor John Smith, cabinet member for highways and transportation, said: “Thankfully, there have be-en no recorded accidents there in the last few years.”

The tests did clock one car going at 70mph, but County Hall say highways officers suspect the figure is wrong.

Coun Smith said: “If two vehicles go in the opposite direction, and hit the cords being used, the two speeds are added together – so in that case it is likely two vehicles were going at 35mph.

“The mean speed down this road is 21mph.” He said he was happy to meet with Coun Udall and the school about the findings in the research.

The tests will not result in any prosecutions as they were carried out purely for research purposes.