PEOPLE in Worcestershire are being warned to brace themselves for a wet and windy week. 

As the country prepares for winter, the weather is turning, with rain forecast all this week.

A wet start today, with persistent rain for most, is set to clear north-eastwards during the morning, leaving a cloudy but somewhat drier and mild afternoon, according to Met Office forecasters.

However, further outbreaks of rain are likely at times this afternoon, with temperatures reaching 16C.

The showers would become more persistant overnight, the forecaster warned.

"These [showers] most frequent in the west at first, but becoming persistent and spreading to all parts by dawn."

And the outlook looks equally grey for Tuesday morning, although there is room for optimism as the day progresses.

"Persistent rain will gradually give way to a mixture of drier spells and scattered showers," the forecaster added.

"The best of any brighter spells will be during the late afternoon."

The weather is set to remain unsettled from Wednesday until the weekend, with a mix of sunny spells and heavy showers, although Thursday will be drier and brighter.

Rain overnight will then be followed by showers on Friday.

Click here for a full weather forecast