ONE of Ed Miliband's frontbench MPs has spoken of Worcester's influence on the national stage - arguing the city's people have a "golden vote".

Liz Kendall, the shadow minister for care and older people, visited the city on Monday to do some Labour Party research into the so-called 'Worcester woman'.

During her visit she also went to the walk-in clinic in Farrier Street, which closed down this week and is now a doctor's surgery only for pre-booked patients.

Miss Kendall spoke of Worcester's growing recognition as a vital parliamentary seat, going as far as saying if the party wants to form the next Government, it has to win.

City MP Robin Walker holds a majority of just 2,982, meaning a three per cent swing will be enough for it to change hands.

She said: "I have no doubt that it's the people of Worcester who will help determine who is in the next Government.

"In in fact in every election since 1979 no party has been able to form one without winning Worcester.

"This city is being looked upon as essential in Westminster, the people of this city have a golden vote.

"The voters of Worcester have this great opportunity because their votes will all be crucial."

A panel of women across a range of ages, from their 20s to pensioners, were selected for her to talk to.

"They really cared about the NHS, about the schools, the economy and care issues," she said.

"A lot of them were concerned about pressures on A&E, and worried about making ends meet.

"People were angry about the closure of the walk-in clinic being shut, to me it doesn't make sense."

Councillor Joy Squires, Worcester's Labour parliamentary candidate, who accompanied her, said: "Clearly, a lot of people have yet to make their minds up, and a lot of those people are women, so it is important their voices are heard.

"The floating voters are clearly going to be key to the outcome."

The walk-in centre was closed because the NHS wants to free up more resources to open up an 'urgent care' facility at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, and because most patients were already registered with doctors elsewhere.

As well as incumbent Robin Walker, the Green Party's Louis Stephen and UKIP's James Goad are confirmed candidates for Worcester next year.

The term 'Worcester woman' was devised by Labour during the 1990s when Tony Blair was trying to become Prime Minister.

In 1997 Mike Foster won the seat and held it until 2010.