AN Elvis fan raised more than £400 for a Worcester school after walking the streets as the King.

Dennis Smith donned his Elvis gear for the sponsored walk, which along with a raffle held at the Grosvenor Arms, raised £416.61 for Fort Royal Community Primary School.

Mr Smith, who worked as a bus driver for Worcestershire County Council which is where his affiliation for the school comes from, said: "I wanted to do something for the school as I know what great work they do and I developed a great fondness for everyone there."

He also entertained the crowds on Friday, March 13, with renditions of his hero's hits at the St John's boozer and said he wished to thank all those who donated money, donated prizes to the raffle and the three DJ's who gave up their time so the pub could host the karaoke night.

The 63 year-old has a son, now aged 43, with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, which left him confined to a wheelchair, so he has direct experience of the needs of disabled people.

Jane Long, headteacher of the school, in Worcester, said: "We knew Dennis very well during his time as a bus driver and he was always very friendly with the staff, children and parents,. He was well liked.

"I would like to thank everyone who took part in this very generous donation."

She confirmed the money will be spent on improving the school's outdoor facilities.

Bill Dailly, landlord of the pub, said of Mr Smith: “He’s a brilliant guy, absolutely superb. He just keeps singing."