FORMER Olympic hurdler turned television presenter Colin Jackson is likely to be in Worcester this summer to send a special "dads race" on its way.

Wealth management company Sanlam, which includes the former English Mutual firm in The Tything, is sponsoring a series of six Go Dad Runs across the UK with one taking place in Worcester on Sunday, June 14.

Sanlams’ corporate engagement manager Lauren Tunnicliffe said: "Former Olympian and world champion hurdler Colin Jackson, who has lost one uncle to prostate cancer and seen another struck down by the same disease, will be starting a number of the races including, we hope, the Worcester event, with fellow Olympians Jamie Baulch and Mark Foster taking up the mantel in other locations.

“We’re really excited to support Go Dad Run again this year and especially as we’ll be hosting one of the major events in Worcester, a town and business community which holds a great deal of significance to us. We hope that all our business colleagues and friends will support this initiative and we look forward to seeing you all on race day.

"Prostate cancer affects one in eight men in the UK and 100 per cent of the women and children associated with them, but a strong message for men to take care of themselves and get checked out just doesn’t exist, so we hope as many gentlemen as possible will get behind this campaign and sign up to run with colleagues, clients and friends.”

Look out for more info on or follow Sanlam on Facebook or twitter.