ACTION is being taken to tackle speeding on a "dangerous" St John's road after another crash last week.

Councillor Derek Prodger is leading the calls against the "irresponsible" drivers who speed along Bromwich Road after a garden wall and two vehicles were damaged at houses 174 and 176 on Friday night.

Cllr Prodger, who represents the Bedwardine ward, says this is just one of many incidents, and as well as securing double yellow lines on the junction at Brown Street, he is also aiming for the speed limit to be reduced to a 20mph zone, down from 30pmh.

He said: "I am concerned about speeding on this road. The speeds motorists reach is frightening. We have had speeding cameras down there before, but we need something permanent.

"Motorists think they can put their foot down as it's a straight road ,but this is dangerous and I shall be doing everything I can to tackle this problem.

"It looks likely that double yellow lines will be implemented at Brown Street to make that junction safer and more visible when joining Bromwich Road.

"I will do my very best to continue to tackle this problem. One of the options is to try and make it a 20mph zone. Crashes like this happen too often."

A spokeswoman for Worcestershire County Council said: "We are working with local councillors to look for any solutions to the problems."

Cllr Prodger says responsibility is ultimately with the motorists to drive safely.

"It's a 30mph road, so please be careful when driving down there. I can only do so much, ultimately it's down to the motorists. It's very irresponsible to speed down this road, which is crossed often by residents" he said.

Tracey Davies, whose garden wall was damaged in the crash on Friday, is echoing the call for action.

Mrs Davies, 42, said: "There are accidents occurring too regularly on this road, yet nothing seems to be happening.

"I always see cases of speeding and dangerous driving, what more is it going to take before it's tackled?

"There are speed cameras in other busy roads in Worcester, like New Road, but Bromwich Road is just as dangerous but no one does anything.

"My daughter's car has been written off, and it wasn't long ago it was bought. She's devastated."

A Ford Focus crashed into a parked van at house number 176 and smashed the garden wall at 174, where Mrs Davies' daughter's car was parked.

There were no injuries after the crash, which happened at around 11.30pm on Friday, March 20, and no arrests were made.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, quoting incident number 0834 of March 20.