YOUNGSTERS with diabetes from Worcestershire and Herefordshire will try their hand at abseiling and climbing during an activity weekend.

On Friday, March 9, 30 children aged eight to 13, who all have type one diabetes, will head for the Pioneer Centre at Cleobury Mortimer in Shropshire.

The activity weekend is designed to improve their confidence, enable them to make new friends, manage their condition - and most importantly have fun.

The event has been organised by paediatric diabetes nurses across Worcestershire beacuse weekends or holidays of this nature are known to provide an excellent learning environment about diabetes for children and staff, also improving the self-esteem of the youngsters taking part. Activities include abseiling, climbing, team games, football, basketball and craft.

Diane Cluley, paediatric diabetes specialist nurse, said: "This is our third activity weekend for diabetic children aged eight to 13 years. We want them to gain confidence in managing their own diabetes care.

"They are not used to being with other children who have diabetes too and they are also able to gain peer support. We will be taking along a team of volunteer staff including paediatric and diabetes nurses, a doctor and a young adult who has diabetes."