THE annual meeting on Tuesday, February 13. in the village hall was a jolly affair, with a splendid fish-and-chip supper to kick-start proceedings. Thereafter the business matters seemed to glide by serenely, with our chairman Ruth Bottomley being unanimously re-elected, as were the other gallant members of the committee.

Vouchers were presented to competition winners and flower-of-the-month winners of the past year, and Ruth gave a review of our 2006 programme, followed by the introduction of the 2007 programme.

Gina Sweetman spoke on behalf of the members as she thanked Ruth for her tireless work and preparation in arranging the attractive meetings. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in Wychbold Village Hall and we would be very happy to welcome any new members to our informal and enjoyable meetings. Membership of the Flower Club gives you automatic membership also of Wychbold Horticultural Society.

This month's meeting is on Tuesday, March 13, at 7.30pm in Wychbold Village Hall when the presenters will be Rachel Nicholson and her mother, and the theme will be daffodils.