West Midland Safari Park announce the birth of the first ever white lion cubs to be born in the UK and they will be on view to visitors for the first time, when the Park opens on Saturday, 10th February 2007.

Maryn, the cub's mother, gave birth to the four cubs on her fourth birthday, at the Park in Bewdley, Worcestershire, on 24th August 2006. The cubs, one male and three females have remained with their mother during the Park's winter shutdown, along with 24 hour surveillance involving specialist staff and CCTV. The cub's father, Mubuto, also 4 years old, remained in close proximity.

Nicknamed Casper (male) and females Kiara, Lara and Toto, the cubs ranged in weight from 2.1kg to 2.3kg when they were weighed 10 days after birth. Toto, which means young or small in Swahili, was the smallest. She was the most confident from birth and was regularly seen exploring, whilst the other three stayed close to their mother. All four cubs have a calm and friendly personality - just like mum Maryn - and make a magnificent sight.

West Midland Safari Park introduced the UK's first ever pride of four rare White Lions in 2004, following the biggest single animal investment that the Park ever made and costing in the region of £1/4m. The animals, which arrived from Africa, were immediately transferred to accredited rabies quarantine quarters at the Park where they remained for six months. To experience the birth of four cubs, following their arrival, is a dream come true for the Park and its dedicated team of Keepers.

White lions are not albino; they are a rare species of lion only to be found in a 200 square mile area called Timbavati, in the Lowveld of Northern Province - South Africa's bush country. With no more than 130 left in the world today, for centuries the myth of the White Lion has been etched in African folklore. Legend has it, that once every hundred years, magical White Lions will be born bringing joy to all that witness them. Visitors to West Midland Safari Park will be amongst the first to witness the legend.

West Midland Safari Park now has eight White Lions in their collection - including the four cubs - and they can be seen daily in KINGDOM OF THE WHITE LIONS, which forms part of the four mile, all weather drive through Safari.

advertisementWest Midland Safari & Leisure Park is open10.00am daily from Saturday, 10th February 2007, including Bank Holidays, until Friday 2nd November 2007. Admission costs £9.50 per person, including a free return ticket. Amusement rides charged extra in all cases. Further information is available from the Park's website www.wmsp.co.uk or by telephone 01299 402114.