A DROITWICH school is "well on its way to excellence", according to Ofsted inspectors.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School achieved good and outstanding ratings in all categories of an Ofsted inspection.

A report said the school was constantly looking for ways to improve, and described it as a "good school with many outstanding features."

It said: "This is because the headteacher is a dynamic force in moving the school forward. Staff are well-motivated and more than ready to take on new ideas. The strong Catholic ethos that pervades all sections of the school's work underpins the exemplary care, support and guidance provided for pupils."

Inspectors said overall standards at the end of year 6 were high and standards in English were higher than average for many years. And although maths results had dipped over a couple of years, this year they were much higher than the national average.

The report praised pupils' personal development, and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

"Pupils are courteous and polite and have excellent relationships with each other and with the adults around them," it said.

It was suggested the school should provide a more limited range of targets that identify pupils' next steps in English and maths, and to review them more frequently.

Headteacher Kathryn Hill was praised for her "outstanding leadership" based on a clear vision for what the school needed to improve. She said: "We are delighted that the high quality provision at St Joseph's has been recognised. The report reflects the care and support given to every child in our school by our excellent staff ."

THE INSPECTORS' REPORTWHAT THE SCHOOL DOES WELL THE school is constantly looking for ways to improve and is well on its way to excellence.

It is a good school with many outstanding features. The headteacher is a dynamic force in moving the school forward. Staff are well motivated and more than ready to take on new ideas.

The good teaching, which securely focuses on meeting the needs of each child, ensures that pupils of all abilities and ethnic groups achieve well.

Leadership and management are good and there is a good track record of sustaining high standards and making improvements.

WHERE THE SCHOOL COULD IMPROVE The school could provide a more limited range of targets that identify clearly the pupils' next steps in English and maths and review them more frequently so that a regular dialogue is maintained with pupils about how they can improve.

STAR RATINGS Overall effectiveness of the school *** Achievement and standards *** Personal development and well-being **** Teaching and learning *** Curriculum and other activities **** Care, guidance and support **** Leadership and management ***