First Battalion in billets near Fleurbaix.
Second Battalion in billets at Gorre.
Third Battalion relieved Royal Irish Rifles in trenches E Dickebush.

Richard Bird, Dairyman, Barbourne Walk, was charged with selling adulterated milk. Defendant pleaded guilty, saying that through a misunderstanding his wife took out the wrong milk. The Inspector had the milk from Mrs Bird in Waterworks Road, When he told her who he was she said: “It is not our milk, it is some that we bought from Mr Phillips, of Claines. Samples from Mr Phillips proved to be all right, and Mr Phillips had not supplied the milk to Mrs Bird. The milk was deficient in fat 20 per cent, and in non-fatty solids, 29.4 per cent. It was one of the worst samples ever to be examined on behalf of the Corporation. Defendant was fined £15, including costs. If he came again he would be fined £50. The Chairman said it was one of the cruellest and most wicked offences a man could be guilty of swindling poor people and robbing their children. He knew of nothing worse.

Recruiting: Wanted an unlimited number of Motor Drivers, also some first class General Smiths, Electricians, and a few Steam Lorry Drivers for the Mechanical Transport. Pay: 42s a week, all found, with usual separation allowance. Special medical examination enabling all men fit for motor driving to be accepted. Apply at Guildhall, Worcester or Nearest Recruiting Sergeant.
An advance party of the 16th Warwicks has arrived in Malvern to prepare a camp for the Battalion. They are billeted in the Wyche district; Last night ‘B’ Company of the 13th Gloucesters were sent out into the country near Malvern to try their hands –and tempers- at trench-digging in the darkness. To other Companies was assigned the task of locating the trench-diggers.

YMCA at the Barracks: With an increased number of men at Norton Barracks, the YMCA have done much good work in the “Moore-Ede” hut this week.  Between Monday morning and Thursday night no fewer than 930 postal messages were written and despatched, and personal work was done amongst the men, which is of the highest value.
The following note appears on the Battalion orders of the 13th Gloucesters:  Having regard to the example which has been set us by His Majesty the King, the Army, and the whole nation generally, restricting the consumption of alcoholic drinks during the period of the War, every man in the Battalion is expected to use the utmost restraint to guard against over-indulgence."

Information researched by Sue Redding.