AFTER having her locks cut off for charity kind-hearted Bishop Perowne student Jasmine Daffurn says she is growing it back again – but might have it cut a second time to raise more cash.

Jasmine, aged 11, has donated eight inches of her locks to the Little Princess Trust which provides real-hair wigs for boys and girls across the UK who have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment.

She also managed to raise around £500 after being sponsored for the hair cut.

This money will go towards the cost of making a wig.

Jasmine said: "I just wanted to help because I care about cancer sufferers and one of my relatives has cancer.

"My mum cut the hair off, but I am growing it back again."

Jasmine’s dark-brown hair was half-way down her back.

She said: "It took me about two years to get it that long but I am not sorry. It will grow back."

Her mum Holly said: “As a family, we are really proud of Jasmine for making this decision.

"Jasmine is at an age where she is aware of things such as cancer.

"Several people close to us are going through cancer treatment or have lost people they love to cancer lately.

"Jasmine wanted to do something to help and decided to donate her hair.

"We did a lot of research together before eventually deciding on the Little Princess Trust.

"When she found out that it would cost the trust £350 to make the wig Jasmine was determined to raise the money too.

"We have been so moved by everyone's generosity and the support from friends, family and Jasmine's school has been really heart-warming."