AMATEUR production group Worcester On Stage is on the hunt for local youngsters to take part in its upcoming musical.

The performance group is searching for male performers to fill villain roles and female harmony singers for the production of Little Shop of Horrors- there are also smaller parts and places in the chorus to fill too.

Jack Giblen, 17, and Maddie Barber Fray, 15, have won the lead parts Seymour and Audrey- the couple which are

mitten with one another but kept apart by the evil Dentist, Orin, and the massive, man-eating plant Audrey II.

Alan Feeney, manager of Worcester On Stage, said: "To have such a wealth of talent in a new company is amazing and we know this show is going to be brilliant.

"Don’t delay, sign up and be part of Worcester’s next big thing."

Little Shop of Horrors' opening night is scheduled for August 25, at the John Moore Theatre, Kings School,

For more information call 01905 319 782 or email