A FITNESS fanatic is hoping to “give something back” when she completes the Virgin Money London Marathon in memory of her best friend’s brother.

Camilla Bradley, a digital marketing specialist from Diglis, Worcester, will take on the iconic 26.2-mile course in support of CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people.

She was inspired to fundraise for the good cause after witnessing the “amazing” help it provided to 20-year-old Alastair Day, who tragically died  from mouth cancer in 2010.

“"I saw my best friend and her family go through the worst time of their lives”, said the 25-year-old fundraiser.

“But the CLIC Sargent team were on call whenever they needed them for support.

“I want to give something back to the amazing people at CLIC Sargent and to thank them for all the help they gave to my best friend - Katherine Day – and her family.

“It is a cause close to my heart and has a real personal connection.”

In March 2010 Katherine Day’s eldest brother was diagnosed with mouth cancer, after originally complaining about a sore throat to doctors. He tragically died just eight months laster.

Within the first week of diagnosis the CLIC Sargent team got in touch with the family and made regular visits to the hospital and their home, offering vital support at this difficult time.

“This type of cancer was the type that is expected in someone who has smoked 50 cigarettes a day for 50 years, not a fit, healthy, non-smoking 20-year-old”, added the fundraiser.

“Kat’s family and all of our friends raise money for CLIC Sargent and will continue to do so, in order to thank them for everything they did.”

Miss Bradley, who is training to compete nationally with Crossfit West Midlands, added: “This will be my first ever full marathon and my biggest physical challenge yet.

“Winter training has been extremely tough and the longer distances have been challenging, but I know it will all be worth it in the end when I cross the finish line in a CLIC Sargent vest.

"I have suffered a few running injuries during training - the biggest being a sprained ankle and ligament tears – and I’ve had to have numerous physio sessions.

“But seeing my donations rise and receiving all the kind messages of support have helped me overcome the pain and conquer the miles."

She has raised almost £1,000 so far with donations from family and friends continuing to roll in. She hopes to reach a target of £2,000 to provide much-needed funds for the clinical, practical, financial and emotional support CLIC Sargent provides to young cancer sufferers and their families.

“I am feeling nervous but excited at the same time about the event”, added Miss Bradley.

“I’m not too worried about my finishing time as it is my first ever marathon, but I would like to finish in around four and a half hours."

To donate to her fundraising challenge, which takes place on Sunday, April 26, visit justgiving.com/camilla-londonmarathon2015