CINDERELLA may have had a midnight cut off to get out of the party and back to servitude but for me it seems to be a bit earlier.

I would imagine most parents live to the same strict timetable to be up in the mornings or to make sure all children are fed, bathed and in bed before the clock chimes.

In our house, children need to be in bed by 8pm.

From around seven, my husband and I act as the talking clock letting each other know what should or shouldn't be going on at that point.

"The time is seven thirty three PM. No this is not time for sweets or football."

"The time is seven forty five PM. All children should be settled in bed reading books."

Children thrive on routine, they love it - not that you can tell by the chaotic way they live their lives.

Need a book? Let's pull every single one off the shelf.

Want a drink? Leave the kitchen sticky and covered in little puddles of milk.

But the routine is what they hold most dear.

You can tell from when they are babies how much they crave routine.

Baby waking at 5am?

Put her to bed later and she will wake later seems logical.

Baby will still be up at 5am.

How often do you hear parents whose children are in the midst of a tantrum blaming it on a disruption to their schedule.

"He's over tired." "She needs to have her midday nap."

I'd assumed that, being an adult, the need for a routine had flown out of the window having enjoyed my fair share of late nights, last minute trips and lie-ins.

But with Daisy and Jacob on holiday with their grandparents, I find myself craving the safety net of a routine.

Out for a meal on Monday evening, checking the time it was 8pm, panic suddenly set in despite the children being miles away in sunny Poole.

Arriving home from work that night I find myself scrabbling about looking for things to do without having to tackle the mad rush of the evening routine.

Procrastination on a week day evening did not feel right.

I suppose I should really do some cleaning and tidying while they are away.

But, that isn't scheduled until Friday.