A BRAVE fundraiser is preparing for a drastic haircut to help children who lose their hair through illness.

Megan Stokes, aged eight from Droitwich, will shed a whopping eight inches from her long, golden locks on Thursday, November 19, and donate them to the Little Princess Trust.

The St Joseph's Catholic Primary School pupil has already raised £150, and with a little help from her friends at the 2nd Droitwich Brownies she looks set to smash her £250 target.

Julia Jackman, Megan's mum, said: "I think she is a little superstar to put herself forward to raise some money.

"It was all her own initial thought process to do it.

"She was the one who suggested it to me and I just instigated it to others.

"It gives so much confidence to the little ones who do not have any hair."

Ms Jackman explained Megan first had the idea when she was having her hair braided on a family holiday to Cornwall earlier this year.

"She was talking to this lady and it was just by chance she started to talk about it," remembered Mrs Jackman, of Sandles Road, Droitwich.

"She said: 'I would like to do that mummy, to donate my hair so they can have wigs made'."

And Megan has had plenty of support from her family and friends - in particular her nine-year-old sister Bethan Stokes and dad Matt Stokes.

On the night of the haircut, Megan's Brownie group is also hosting a coffee and cake evening.

Ms Jackman added: "The Brownie leaders have been fantastic and supported the whole campaign and helped organise the event.

"Megan's school have also supported want Megan is doing and have been very supportive."

The hairdresser cutting Megan's hair is Emma Parkins who runs Perfections Hair Studio in Bromsgrove.

The Little Princess Trust is a national charity which provides free, real-hair wigs to children who have lost their own through cancer treatment.

To sponsor Megan visit justgiving.com/Julia-Jackman/

For more information about the Little Princess Trust visit littleprincesses.org.uk