Walking sticks have always been collectable and the more unusual the example the more sought-after it is likely to be for a collector.

The areas of desirability fall into two main fields.

Firstly there are those sticks that have ornate handles, embellished with silver and gold or are ornately carved, and secondly those that serve an alternative purpose.

Hidden away in the handle can be a small flask for brandy to revive the hardy walker during a particularly arduous romp; and then there are secret shotguns or swords in the shaft of sticks to ward of the highwayman of yore.

The example pictured above right shows a rule with spirit level that extends out at 90 degrees from the stick. This ingenious device was used to measure the height of horses - useful, surely, on any Sunday afternoon stroll.

Its value? Well, it's coming up for sale at Malvern in mid-July and should make around the £200 mark.