A swan with pink feathers has been spotted in the St John’s area of Worcester.

Bizarrely, the discolouration may be the result of people feeding swans stale, mouldy bread.

The pink colouring has been seen elsewhere and dubbed 'pink feather flamingo syndrome' - and there are concerns it could also cause the swans to lose their waterproof coating, which can lead some to die of cold.

Resident Marie Yates sent this picture to the Worcester News to warn people that feeding swans old food could actually make them ill.

She said: “I think it is well worth warning the people of Worcester of the harm they can cause to swans by feeding them stale, mouldy bread.”

Researchers from University College Cork carried out a study on the issue concluding that this discolouration occurs as a result of fungi contaminated bread, often referred to as ‘red bread mould’.

The study conducted surveys at nine separate sites across Britain and Ireland that revealed “between 12 to 85 per cent of swans with pink colouration.”

Steven Bloomfield, conservation officer at Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, said: "It’s important we feed the swan’s sensitive, healthy foods and nothing out of date or old."

He urged people to contact the Trust or Bishops Wood Swan Rescue with any more information.

You can find out more about the best foods for swans by searching for The Swan Food Project on Facebook.