SIR – Brian Hunt’s bizarre and intemperate rant (Happier out of subservience, April 5) included the claim that Peter Nielsen’s letter of March 30 was “pathetic”.

I cannot recall the last time that I saw such a clear-cut case of the pot black-calling... 

The Second World War has nothing, of course, to do with the European Union – except that the latter has merely played a vital part in stopping a third (and probably terminal) one, exactly as its founders intended.

Banging on about Hitler and war-dead is absolutely irrelevant to our present difficulties. Put simply, it is childish fantasy to talk about a “subservience” to modern Germany.

Talk about dog-in-the-manger!

Time was when the Scots were revolting, and killing thousands of English soldiers. Does Mr Hunt dwell on this and believe that, therefore, we should break up the United Kingdom?

But hold on a moment; I don’t think that I want to hear his answer to that question after all.

He really needs to start living for a safe and secure future, rather than in an imagined past.

As to the rest of his letter, apart from wondering what on Earth can possibly be his definition of the word “failed”, it really is not worth further comment – because it is (let me think; wait a moment)...   pathetic (and sad).

David Barlow
