PRETTY painted rocks are being hidden in secret locations to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer.

Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust is encouraging everyone to join in by painting their own designs on a stone and posting pictures on Facebook. The rocks have the charity's details and messages on the back.

Simone Montgomery from Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust said: "Children are hiding them and they are getting really excited on social media. It's cancer awareness month and the colour is gold, so the rocks are gold to tie in with that."

Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust is a children's cancer charity set up by Jennifer Kelly who lost her daughter Grace aged 4 to cancer. Grace had developed a malignant rhabdoid tumour. She rapidly deteriorated and passed away on November 8 2014.

The team at the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust works to raise awareness, fund research into rare solid tumours in children and produce educational materials. They also provide support to the families of children with rare aggressive solid tumours.

Mrs Montgomery said: "We have special cards that are designed to help people spot the early signs and symptoms of cancer. Through the cards we have already had early diagnoses of children. Jennifer found that there was no research, so we are trying to research new ways to treat children. A lot of the treatments at the moments are actually for adults so are quite harsh for children."

Mrs Montgomery said: "We also have support groups and are supporting 94 families at the moment."

The charity also runs an online support group for families affected by rare tumours so they can share their experiences with others. Typically, many of these children will not survive, in these circumstances, the trust provides support to bereaved families, this includes some of the funds for funerals.

The trust works with families and children affected by any rare solid tumours. Slightly different variants of rhabdoid tumours can affect the kidney, the brain or the spine.

The charity is determined to continue to fulfill Grace's wish of helping others, whilst fighting the biggest disease killer of children, childhood cancer.