THE author of a novel that was turned into an Oscar-nominated film has visited a Worcester school to sign copies of her new book.

Joanne Harris is best known for writing Chocolat, the film version of which starred Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche. Her latest book is called Runemarks and is aimed at a younger market. She visited Bishop Perowne School to talk about the book.

Craig Jansen, deputy head at Bishop Perowne, said: "We had a number of schools join us for the talk. Joanne told them all about the inspiration for the book, the characters and read some extracts. Then afterwards she signed copies for pupils."

The author was invited to the school by Worcestershire Children's Book Group, which hosts events across the city schools.

Linda Bromyard, librarian at Bishop Perowne, said: "We are delighted that she accepted our offer to come to the school."

Runemarks is a fantasy based on Norse legends and is said to have leading roles for gods, goblins and demons.