JENNA Hewlett has become something of a local celebrity during the last 48 hours. Since the Worcester News first revealed how the 15-year-old was told she was not welcome at her city school until she changed her hair colour, Jenna has appeared on television and radio.

Her case has also sparked a furious debate among users of our website.

Opinion appears split over whether Christopher Whitehead Language College was correct to ban Jenna from class because of the blonde streaks she has in her hair.

The school says that its rules have been broken and that all pupils and parents sign up to those rules. Jenna and her parents say her hairstyle is far from extreme and the school has overreacted.

It is possible that the school may - just may - have imposed a punishment that is disproportionate to the "crime".

It is important, however, that schools are able to impose rules that seek to maintain discipline. It could be argued that allowing Jenna to keep her hairstyle would be seen as a green light for more rebellious pupils to bend and break the rules.

The most important issue here is Jenna's education. The longer this impasse continues, the more it suffers.

By all accounts, she is a bright girl who enjoys school. We hope some compromise can be reached sooner rather than later.

Ultimately we suspect the hairstyle may have to go in order for Jenna to resume lessons and for the school to keep its rules intact.