Picture the scene. You're male, in your mid-20s and have been asked to attend an interview for your dream job. Suited and booted, you certainly look the part, anxiously waiting outside the office to be called in.

On entering the room, you're faced by a panel of three interrogators - two men and a woman. After greeting the blokes with firm handshakes and a smile, you misjudge the situation when you turn to the lady, and, after an uncomfortable pause and limp handshake, you decide to go for it - you lean in and peck her on the cheek. That's how grown-up professionals greet one another, isn't it?

Apparently, it's not. It's all very confusing. Either way, you've just kissed goodbye to any chance you might have had of getting the job - literally.

A kiss greeting is one of the most complicated issues etiquette can throw up.

How many times should you have met someone before you kiss them? What should you do if they're older than you, or younger? How can you read their body language to know what's appropriate?

And even if you pluck up the courage and go for it, should you go for cheek or air? One cheek? Both? Or maybe even three kisses? Don't the French do three? Or is that the Italians? This is exhausting. Time to ask the experts.

Heather Pickering is an etiquette consultant for Protocol Plus, which provides tuition for individuals on business overseas. She's fed up with people kissing when they're introduced - which is happening in even the most rarefied of circles.

"It's disgraceful," she says. "In polite society, you do not kiss people on first meeting.

"In the old days, etiquette dictated a woman had to put her hand out before a man would shake it. If she didn't, the man didn't offer his. The same should go for kissing. A man should wait for the woman to move. During a job interview, one should never kiss anybody. The very idea is appalling. If you get off on the wrong foot by kissing someone when you shouldn't, it will cause problems.

"Over-familiarity can be a great disadvantage with people. If I'm introduced to some great gangly bloke with smelly breath and he leans over to kiss me, it's terrible. No thank you."

But what if the person is young and attractive? Is that then OK?

"No, even then it's not right. If in doubt, don't."

So we've established that you should never offer a peck on the cheek to someone you've never met before, and if you don't think you should kiss someone, you probably shouldn't. But what about those people you know and want to show some genuine affection toward?

"A kiss on one cheek is fine," says Heather. Great, at last something is simple. But wait...

"It really depends on the situation and it depends on your culture as to how many times you should kiss someone. In Britain, one is acceptable, maybe two, but we do adopt other people's cultures, and that may cause problems.

"I go for two because I used to know a lot of French people and it's stuck with me. If you're meeting a Japanese person, you don't kiss at all. They don't kiss in Japan, even during sex I believe.

"Men in the Middle East kiss each other as a matter of course, but blokes don't do that over here unless they've scored a goal playing football. If you don't greet with a kiss in the Middle East, however, you're being rude, so bear that in mind if you go there."

KISS OR HANDSHAKE? WHAT TO DO AROUND EUROPEIF you're thinking of travelling any time soon, follow our guide to European kissing etiquette, and never make a mistake again.FRANCEAs we all know, the French love to kiss. They even have a style named after them, although it must be stated, a French kiss as a greeting should be reserved for all but your most open-minded friends. Parisians adopted the four-kiss rule a few years ago, left cheek first, while three is the order of the day in Brittany. One on each cheek will suffice for most other parts of the country.NETHERLANDSThe Dutch always start and end their kissing on the same cheek, so three is the minimum you can get away with. If it's an elder or close family member, add a few more to show some extra affection.SPAIN, AUSTRIA AND SCANDINAVIAFinally, a few simple countries. This group of nations all opt for two kisses, while the Spanish are the only ones who stipulate how you do it. They go for right cheek first.GERMANYNot that we want to perpetuate lazy stereotypes, but the Germans are ruthlessly efficient when it comes to greetings. Kissing is for family and close friends only. To anyone else, a handshake is enough.ITALYDespite their reputation for flamboyant greetings, the Italians restrict kissing for very close friends and family members only. Hugs and handshakes for the rest.