LAST Friday was a really interesting day and it just shows how far ahead we have to plan. It started with a meeting at the Commandery, a de-brief with their staff of Shakespeare at the Commandery in June.

And of course it was a planning session for next June, when we shall be doing The Taming Of The Shrew. That's quite scary! Then we had the pantomime launch, all the actors here for the Aladdin pictures for this year's pantomime. Unbelievably, there was some discussion about what next year's panto would be, and the dates. Mid-afternoon, we had a meeting about our new October half-term funfest, which is scheduled for the end of October.

There will be a series of events for five to 16-year-olds, and we are just about to start the publicity for that. I then had a quick meeting about the Ghost Walk, which is about to re-start, and finally rushed up to the Hall to be the duty manager for the first concert of the new season.

During the second half of that, I registered some of the entries for next August's Worcester Festival. Ho hum!

Wasn't it great to see the Tour of Britain cycle race starting at Worcester last Wednesday? It was exciting to see the huge infrastructure needed, and absolutely amazing to see the speed that it all disappeared from Pitchcroft once the race was under way. Good stuff!