A FURTHER £10,000 is needed to install CCTV cameras at a crime "hotspot" in Worcester.

Worcester City Councillor Mike Layland has urged his authority to pay the final quarter of £40,000 needed to fund three CCTV cameras in Ronkswood's Lichfield Avenue.

At the council's latest cabinet meeting, he presented a 300-signature petition to members, asking them to support the principle of having CCTV.

"We have problems with under-age drinking, vandalism and windows being smashed," he said.

"Believe me, it is a hotspot and the local community are asking for the support of this council."

Following the meeting he added: "We've got a lot of old folks who won't go to the shops - they feel intimidated and it's sad that this should happen.

"It's walking through the gangs of kids that congregate."

A committee has already been set up to jointly fund the scheme, which would pay for CCTV for five years.

Worcester Community Housing is contributing £20,000 and South Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership will hand over £10,000.

The cameras would cover the Co-op store, shopping area and Holy Trinity and St Matthew Church, which Coun Layland said was vandalised two weeks ago when the gates were lifted from their hinges.

A police spokesman said: "The cameras will be a welcome additional tool in the on-going work to eradicate anti-social behaviour in and around Lichfield Avenue.

"We will, however, still look forward to the continued - and highly-valued - co-operation from the vast majority of the local community in identifying and reporting such behaviour, not all of which will, necessarily, be caught on camera.

"The area has historically suffered from anti-social behaviour and - in addition to being made the subject of a Section 30 Order - has seen four Anti-Social Behaviour Orders imposed on individuals frequenting it. The parish church, in particular, has suffered considerable criminal damage over an extended period."

The council will give its decision at the next cabinet meeting on Tuesday, October 9.