A KEEN traveller from Worcester is setting off on a unique trip on Sunday from London to Sydney - by bus.

Ben Lapsley is one of 36 people travelling through 20 countries over 12 weeks.

The Oz Bus trip will take him through Europe, the Middle East, including Iran, across to Asia, where he will visit Nepal and China and then down through Indonesia and across to Australia.

"I'm really looking forward to going to Iran to see what that is like, and to Nepal," said the 27-year-old, from Henwick Road, St John's.

"It really is the trip of a lifetime and will allow me to visit so many different countries, meet lots of new people and hopefully make some good friends."

Mr Lapsley, who works at Compco Fire Systems in Lower Wick and is also a student landlord, has paid almost £4,000 for the trip, which sets off from London, and will arrive in Sydney two days before Christmas Day.

"I have been saving for a long time for this trip and I can't wait," he said. "Apart from the odd ferry, the whole trip will be overland in the bus. We will stop off at different destinations to do some sightseeing, and will be camping and staying in hotels."

The trip is run by an adventure travel company called Oz Bus, which runs two buses a year from London to Sydney, the first of which left last Sunday.