Do you remember when you used to be able to make a joke and the only thing people worried about was whether it was funny or not? No, me neither. I’d guess it was around 1995, give or take a year.

Now Indian shopkeeper Apu could be written out of The Simpsons because he’s considered to be a racial stereotype. It's worth pointing out that the show's executive producer Al Jean says Youtuber Adi Shankar, who made the claim, does not speak for the show. Unless I missed it, there was no mention from Shankar of Groundskeeper Willie, an irascible, red-headed Scotsman with a violent temper from the same show. Perhaps we should get rid of him too?

My dad’s family is of Scottish descent. I’m deeply offended by this disgusting caricature. I’ve even thought of a great way to kill him off. Old Willie, who begins to identify as 'non-binary' after spending too long in a kilt, attends the Highland Games to reassert his masculinity only to choke to death on some haggis while vigorously tossing his caber. Willie is unwittingly turned into some bagpipes following a mix-up at the funeral parlour and is used to torture tourists on the Royal Mile for all eternity.

In fact, why not cancel the whole show? We wouldn't want anyone's precious feelings to be hurt would we? Of course, we’ve been moving, slowly but surely, towards this Dystopian mind control for some time now.

We're force-fed a steady diet of political correctness until we all become a bunch of smug, pontificating windbags. Some of us soak it up and regurgitate this rubbish like lobotomised parrots, imagining we thought of it ourselves. Others, some with the courage of Suffragettes on hunger strike, resist, pull out the feeding tubes, kick-back and are demonised as bigots, racists and various other terms, usually ending in 'phobe'. The intellectual straitjackets have been tightened.

Will the lynch mobs be happy at last when we all sit dribbling in our proverbial cells, afraid to say or write anything in case someone, somewhere is offended?

When did we all become so spineless, so humourless, so fragile? Even a recent episode of Dr Who featuring Rosa Parks felt like a lecture rather than entertainment.

Television is there to amuse us surely, not tell us what to feel or think. If I wanted a sermon I'd go to church.