CARA Dillon is becoming something of a festive tradition for audiences at The Artrix.

For the third year in a row, one of the most celebrated folk voices to have come out of Ireland will be touring her Christmas show, Upon a Winter’s Night, and the Bromsgrove venue will be a stop.

A spokesman said: “The overwhelming success of previous tours has cemented this magical and memorable festive experience as a firm tradition.

“Cara and her band will once again capture the mystery of Christmas with a collection of songs ancient and modern providing a welcome reminder that the festive season is about more than commercialism.”

Cara believes there’s far more to Christmas that the latest big television campaign by market leaders, or piped music in the shopping aisles.

The spokesman added: “There is another side to Christmas - far away from Bing crooning, Noddy screaming and a world apart from Jingle Bells and Santa Baby - it’s a place where the story of Jesus’ birth is retold with genuine wonder and celebrated with the dignity, passion and beauty it deserves.

“Christmas is one of Cara’s passions as her live show and album prove.

“Cara will be joined by her wonderful band who weave Celtic and folksy rhythms alongside reverent and atmospheric carols while Cara holds the darkness at bay with the renowned purity of her voice. Husband Sam Lakeman (piano, guitar) will be joined by Toby Shaer on fiddle and whistles, Ed Boyd on guitar and Luke Daniels on accordion.”

As modest and down to earth as they come, Cara admits to being taken aback by the success of her Christmas album “Upon a Winter’s Night” when it reached Number 1 in the Indie Album Charts not once, but twice in 2016.

The date for the diary is Wednesday December 12, at The Artrix.

Tickets and further information: 01527 577330 and also