SIR – Re the redevelopment of the library site on Sherwood Lane.

I’m writing as an immediate neighbour to the development, but, looking at the large number of local objections on the planning website, it appears that my opinion is not unique.

There is no doubt that the development, eight houses and a dormer bungalow, is not in keeping with local character in Sherwood Lane, which has 37/41 dwellings as bungalows or dormer bungalows, and that it therefore contravenes the South Worcestershire Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document – Overarching Design Principles which was only adopted by the city council in March 2018.

The local planning committee has always been very strict locally on roof heights when both we and neighbours have proposed garages or extensions to them.

I do not accept that they should see this development differently just because it’s by a developer and not a normal resident.

The dormer bungalow at the Sherwood Lane entrance to the development (not a bungalow as described in your article) is much higher than surrounding properties.

The rest of the developing is comprised of houses, again higher than surrounding properties.

The risk of being overlooked to neighbours is very apparent.

The development is unusual compared to others in St John’s as it appears that the majority of people in the area support the development of the library site.

However, the form of the development appears to be strongly objected to.

I’ve always tried to be a strong believer in local democracy. I suspect that this belief will be put to the test at the planning meeting on April 18.

