On average a person in the UK is responsible for the CO2 emissions of around 10 tonnes a year.

A little less than half of this is from use of gas and electricity at home. So a fairly easy win on the biggest contribution to your carbon footprint is to switch supplier to a zero carbon one.

Fortunately there are now several such suppliers and they are all competitive with fossil fuels.

As more people switch then there is more demand for zero carbon energy with price signals and real money, which is a lot more effective than political will, TV coverage and marches through London.

Onshore wind and solar are now actually cheaper per unit than coal so it is a straightforward business case that they are more economic.

Of course you can't just build them anywhere. There are bird migration routes and other environmental concerns to consider just as in building anything else.

READ MORE: Investment in cycling – where are we in 2019?

Worcestershire due to its location just isn't windy enough to make it commercially viable to put up turbines, but because of the national grid you can still buy it.

You pay a green supplier who generates green electricity for the grid. You use electricity from the grid – but not necessarily exactly the same electricity, so you don't have to be near the solar or windfarms doing the generation.

Renewables accounted for a third of energy supply in 2018. There were even a few days when no coal was used at all.

Considering back in 2010 it was around six per cent it has been growing quickly and is now accelerating. The future is looking renewable.