Cathedral Plaza is supposed to be a public space where locals and tourists alike can enjoy a leisurely meal or drink or simply sit and watch the world go by.

Many come to visit the statue of Worcestershire’s favourite son Sir Edward Elgar or gaze at our magnificent cathedral.

What we don’t need is reckless youths on skateboards or bikes intimidating the young and elderly and putting people in danger.

As we have reported today a three-month old baby was nearly hit by a flying skateboard, apparently being ridden by a man in his 20s.

Apart from the need for this man to grow up, it is clear some of these cyclists and skateboarders clearly cannot control their boards and bikes.

We agree with Alan Amos that more needs to done to stamp out this problem.

There are many areas of the city where cyclists and skateboarders can practice their tricks in peace.

Cathedral Plaza certainly shouldn’t be one of them.

We look forward to the council taking action before someone is seriously injured.