SIR – Today, through my letterbox I received a paper titled Worcester Future; which, while masquerading as news, transpired to be from the Conservatives, outlining Robin Walker ’s plan for Worcester.

It claims that he supports strong environmental laws, stating his commitment to a greener future, despite the official statistics showing that for 16 out of 20 Parliament votes, he has voted against measures to prevent climate change.

He goes on to claim to support better rail services yet has voted against reducing public transport fares. He has instead voted to allow individual rail fares to be increased by more than the amount of the Government’s cap on average increases.

Robin Walker claims credit for a fall in youth unemployment; however, he has consistently voted against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people, which would have been funded by bank bonuses.

Additionally, he has consistently voted for ending financial support for some 16 to 19-year-olds in training and further education.

The Conservative Party seem to have a very tenuous relationship with truth and integrity. All of this information is verifiable on the website

Teresa Sadler
