SIR – At this time of the year, in the words of the Christmas hymn, we look for ‘Peace on earth and good will to men’.

May we extend this goodwill to post men and post women, and invite readers to take part in the Front Door Challenge?

Your post person will now be a frequent visitor with Christmas cards, packages and even election leaflets. These items, starting their journey in far away places, now need to complete the final lap through your front door and onto the mat. This is when you should think of your post person.

I have delivered many letters and leaflets in my time, and I am always astounded by the hazards and difficulties at the front door, sometimes resulting in items delivered becoming crumpled or torn.

The main hazards are letter boxes which are on the bottom of the door, beware putting your back out. Letterboxes with flaps so powerfully sprung they trap your little finger, draught excluders designed to defy the strongest hurricane, edges so sharp that your hand is cut and of course letter boxes backed by a savage hound eager to bite your fingers off.

Most people never deliver letters to their own house But, if you do care about your post person, try the Front Door Challenge and see if you can deliver a letter through that door without damage or injury. Happy Christmas to all, and especially those post people.

Colin Tether
