READERS may have noticed a theme in stories we have run recently featuring people who have been widowed young.

The first of this series came from Ruth Rowlands, a lady who shared her journey after losing her beloved husband Harry. We also heard from Paul Hickman, a young man who cared for his long suffering wife until the day her brain tumour killed her.

Whilst conducting these interviews, the message coming through was that time does not heal all wounds. Grief is a complex process that is different for everyone, but both Ruth and Paul agreed that having a support network of people who really understood what they were going through made a huge difference. They found the help of charity, Widowed and Young, invaluable in their journeys. Ruth explained people didn’t know what to say to her after her husband passed away. Talking about death is undeniably uncomfortable but it is necessary to ensure people in all stages of grief don’t feel so alone. If you have been affected by these stories and would like to share your own, email