A Worcester baker has said he believes allowing those who can't work from home to come back to work is 'disgusting on all levels.'

Sam Bariscale, owner of Ma Baker's in Cranham Drive said he believes the new changes are forcing the poorest in society to choose between employment and their health.

Mr Bariscale has been running his business alone since lockdown began and offers a contactless delivery service. He said: "I won't risk my staff. They won't be coming back to work until it is safe to do so. I can continue running the business at a limited capacity by myself to keep us afloat. It would be ethically irresponsible to allow my staff to work in order to make things easier on myself.

"All the PM has done is leave the door open for employers to force people back to work and put them at risk. And as usual it is the poorest part of society, the ones who cannot afford to lose their jobs, that will pay the ultimate price.

"Nobody's job is worth dying in agony for, but sadly, off the back of the briefing, there will be a huge proportion of people who have to risk their lives just to keep food on the table - it is disgusting on all levels."

Martin Jones from Worcester who is due to return to work said he is concerned for his and his family's safety.

Mr Jones posted on Facebook: "I am really concerned about going back to work, I think it will put my family in danger working with strangers.

"Factories are not set up to be able to implement effective social distancing. This just proves that money is more important than people's lives. When the second wave comes there will be nobody left to go to work and the factories will close for good."

According to the government's 50 page plan workers should continue to work from home rather than their normal physical workplace, wherever possible.

All workers who cannot work from home should travel to work if their workplace is open. Sectors of the economy that are allowed to be open should be open. This includes food production, construction, manufacturing, logistics, distribution and scientific research in laboratories.