WHY do we need hydration especially as we get older?

Water is an essential nutrient which the body loses and cannot produce the amounts it requires. If we do not consume water containing foods or fluids regularly throughout the day, we become dehydrated.

Dehydration occurs in two ways, either the body is short of fluid because of low intake and failure to drink sufficient fluids, or due to increase in fluid loss caused by diarrhoea, vomiting or excessive bleeding.

Water accounts for up to 80 per cent of body weight and fills the spaces between cells, supports biochemical reactions and forms structures of large molecules like protein. Water is essential for physiological processes such as digestion, absorption and transportation.

When we become dehydrated whatever way it occurs, it is serious. In normal adults, thirst is the signal that stimulates us to seek fluids. Thirst is stimulated when osmolality increases or the extracellular volume decreases.

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When there is insufficient fluid intake or excessive fluid loss, the kidneys compensate by producing a more concentrated urine to maintain the individual’s fluid balance.

However, in older people, the kidneys ability to concentrate urine is impaired and dehydration occurs.

Older people have impaired thirst mechanisms and the signal to seek fluids is defective often to leading to dehydration.

What are the risks of dehydration? Older people who don`t drink enough (or have increased fluid losses) have an increased risk of pressure injuries, low blood pressure, dizziness and falls, cognitive impairment, confusion and delirium, constipation. Possibly the more serious problems are urinary tract infections (UTIs) and acute kidney injury.

How do we encourage our older loved ones to drink sufficient water? The most reliable way is to serve them extra water at mealtimes as a regular routine.

If they are taking medication then use this opportunity for a few more sips. Beware however, do not suddenly increase the volume of water this may shock the system. Keep our loved ones healthy.