Dawn Inett runs The Dog House in Worcester which offers grooming, training and daycare for dogs. Here, she provides tips on keeping your dog happy during lockdown. What our dogs value most is something money can’t buy – love and attention from you. So how can we show that attention? Well, there are some different ways that your dog will really enjoy Homemade Treats: There are plenty of recipes on-line. From cakes and biscuits to full meals. A Spa Session: Book your pal into our grooming salon. We are open during lockdown! Learn a New Trick: For a dog who loves to learn, training can be a fun experience, it’s not work to him! Learning a new trick can give your dog confidence and stimulate his mind. On a day that you are unable to go out, it can make the difference between your dog being bored and looking for entertainment elsewhere and feeling happy to relax inside. You can teach them new tricks like sit, down, leave etc. Once you have the basics in place, you can start to teach your dog more complex things like; go to bed, retrieve and tricks such as shutting doors, roll over, give a paw and so on. He’ll love the attention too. Walk a New Route: He will experience new sights and new smells. It’s their version of reading the newspaper! Plus, you’ll enjoy it too. (Just remember to put your phone on silent so you can enjoy time spent with your best friend.) Dogflix and Chill: Curl up under a blanket on these cooler autumn evenings with treats and watch a film together. Games: Playing games with their person is great but as well as fetch try find it. Find it: This is great fun for your dog and entertaining for the family too, watching your dog unearth all of the hidden treats!  How to play with treats:  If you’d like to challenge your dog further, you can make the ‘find it!’ game more advanced by telling your dog to stay while you hide the treat/s behind pieces of furniture.  You can also place your dog in a room, hide all of the treats in a different room and them open the door for your dog and say ‘find it!’. How to play with people: Just in the way that you can use the ‘find it!’ game to ask your dog to find treats and toys, you can also ask them to find people. To begin, you ideally need two people to play the game.  Keep this simple to begin with, hiding in obvious places where they can see you.  When they approach you, give them lots of attention and repeat the exercise. You can increase the difficulty as your dog gets used to the game. Fetch: You can play fetch inside the home with soft toys that don’t bounce (to save your TV!), ensuring that you do this on a carpeted floor to avoid your dog slipping when they’re running after the toy.  Spending time with your dog is the best way to show them your love. Your attention is precious, they’ll notice and return your love tenfold! For more on The Doghouse, see thedoghouseworcester.co.uk The Dog House is supporting the Worcester News' Love Local Business campaign to encourage people to spend their money locally this Christmas. Headline sponsors are Visit Worcester, Worcester City Council and Worcester BID. Other supporting partners include Crowngate Shopping Centre and the University of Worcester. To get involved, contact Dale Godliman on 01905 742372 or dale.godliman@localiq.co.uk.