THERE are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, with Facebook remaining the most popular social media platform.

At Worcester Live we have multiple daily posts across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and our followers are growing at a record amount.

Most recently we have been running #Worcester Live Wednesdays and posting about our staff who work at the venues.

This week I was asked to contribute, I thought I would share some of my answers here, for those of you who are not one of the 3.5 billion!

One question asked what ‘My favourite thing about working at Worcester Live is?’ Standing at the back of the auditoriums (Swan Theatre or Huntingdon Hall) during a sell-out performance and watching our patrons being thoroughly entertained.

When the auditoriums are alive with music playing, lights programmed with amazing effects, pyrotechnics going off or simply an intimate gig where you can hear a pin drop and know that along with my amazing team, I am responsible for making that happen... that is the best feeling.

Even more satisfying is when the show is a Worcester Rep production, a show that has been crafted by our creative team. That makes me feel incredibly proud and is undeniably my favourite thing.

Another question asked was ‘Tell an interesting story from your time working in theatre?’

I recalled a time when I first started working in theatre, a theatre bar and I was also playing a supporting role in the production.

I was serving the drinks pre show, running backstage, changing into my costume, going onstage, playing my part, and going back to the bar serving during the interval.

I loved it and the customers thought I had a twin!

It was a lovely to reflect and consider what is meaningful, especially at this time.