A SCHOOL in Worcester has sent home a number of year groups after positive coronavirus cases were confirmed.

Northwick Manor Primary School sent home key worker children from years 1, 2, 3 and 6 on Monday, but have today decided to shut completely.

Dr Kathryn Cobain, Director for Public Health for Worcestershire said: “We have been advised of several confirmed Coronavirus cases at Northwick Manor Primary School. The cases were quickly identified by Public Health and the school continues to be supported.

"The relevant bubbles have been asked to self-isolate as a precautionary measure on the advice provided from Public Health. All children within the bubbles will continue their learning through remote access.

"The whole school will be closed from Wednesday and will be professionally deep cleaned as a precaution. Parents will be contacted by the school regarding re-opening.”

In a letter sent to parents, the Northwick Road school said they were working with local public health teams to control the situation.

The letter, from headteacher Sian Williams, said: “You will be aware that we had to close Bubble groups in Years 3, 2 and 6 last week and yesterday I had to close Year 1 as a precautionary measure for today at least until we get clarification from the LORT and confirmation re. test cases. This virus is spreading much more quickly this time around."

She urged parents to follow the rules and only send children to school as a last resort.

She said: “Please do your bit by keeping to the rules. We are constantly reiterating hand washing, social distancing and good respiratory hygiene in school.

“Please only send your child in as an absolute last resort and you cannot work from home.

“More, now than ever, we need to all stay at home as much as we can.”