MULTIPLE sheep have been allegedly attacked by out-of-control dogs, leading to several ewes having to be euthanised.

A message was posted on the Facebook Upton Community Notice Board group along with images of the mutilated sheep - some of which cannot be published due to the graphic nature of the injuries - including the rear end of one being ripped away leaving a bloody mess, at a farm in Naunton in Worcestershire.

It is said a total of 26 sheep were "ravaged" in the attack, according to Wendy Green.

Wendy Green, who is a member of the group and posted the message, said: “I am really sorry to report that there has been a number of dog attacks on sheep over the last few weeks.

“There are two dogs involved one biscuit coloured and one dark coloured lurcher/whippet type.”

Stewart Pearman, who rents farming land in Naunton for his sheep did say he was worried about the ewes who are due to lamb in six weeks, as stress could lead to abortion.

Members of the Facebook group have reacted to the images posted.

Sheila Hoare said: “Disgusting owners. Sheep are probably in lamb too.”

Yvonne Garnett said: “All dog owners please take note.”

Jackie Oliver said: “Dogs are only doing what they have been bred to do and / or what comes naturally. “The problem is the owners.

“Let’s hope they are tracked down and the behaviour prevented so no more sheep have to suffer this.”

Julia Taylor said: “Bloody awful. Dogs need shooting and the owner(s) should be forced to pay you compensation for the loss of your sheep and any vet bills. This shouldn’t be happening.”

“Once they [dogs] have attacked and enjoyed the chase and the taste of blood they will likely attack another dog, a cat, basically anything they can chase. “It’s not entirely the dog’s fault but these dogs are now dangerous - it could be a child next.”

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In August last year, a lamb had to be put down after being attacked by a dog on the Malvern Hills, leading to the Malvern Hills Trust warning dog owners that “we can work together to totally remove the issue of livestock worrying by simply putting your pet on a lead.”

Sheep worrying is a criminal offence and owners could be fined heavily or imprisoned.